Command & Conquer 3

Thursday, February 15, 2007



The Scrin faction introduces a new play style. The alien player will use both finesse and brute force at different times during a game. Alien early game units are weaker than their GDI and Nod counterparts and the Scrin player must be fast on his feet to stay alive, but if you let the Scrin player climb the tech tree, you’ll face the most powerful units in the game: Huge tripod walkers with three independently targeted beam weapons, vast flying artillery platforms, carriers with swarms of fighters, and the ultimate mobile superweapon: A Scrin mothership that flies majestically across the battlefield until it reaches an enemy base. Then watch out.
This is the new faction introduced to the C&C Tiberium realm. They have been somewhat hinted at throughout the Tiberium games, but never actually seen. Now we will be able to play them.
Stay Tuned for more updates as we get closer to the launch...


Wednesday, February 7, 2007

"Kane Edition" vs "Standard"

Well there are two versions of the PC C&C 3 coming out in March. The "Standard" Edition and a "Kane" Edition. I thought it would be helpful to point out all of what comes with each so that everyone knows the differances of the two.

With the "Standard" Edition you receive:

The Game and the Bonus Box if you pre-order

With the "Kane" Edition you receive:

-Limited numbered edition with exclusive cover
-5 exclusive multiplayer maps
-3 exclusive unit skins (one per faction)
-Bonus DVD featuring:- Exclusive wallpapers- The complete ‘Behind the Lines’ making of the Cinematics Documentary- Deleted Scenes from the Live-action sequences- Blooper Reel from the Live-action sequences

- The entire Command & Conquer 3 Strategy Series featuring videos on:/GDI Strategies/Nod Strategies /3rd Faction strategies /Single-player strategies /Multi-player strategies

Both Editions if you pre-order come with a "Bonus" Box that includes the following:

-Gamestop exclusive Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars in-game map
-Gamestop exclusive Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars wallpaper
-One addtional Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars in-game map
-Command and Conquer Gold, the complete game
-Exclusive Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars trailer
-Exclusive Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars wallpaper
-A glimpse of the making-of video included in the Kane Edition C&C 3 collector's pack
-Glimpse at the Full Motion Videos – in-game actor cut scenes
-GDI Tips and Strategy video

If your really into the game, than the "Kane" Edition might be the better buy for the extra maps that come with it. Defiantely adds a whole new element to the game.

Stay tuned for more info


What to know about the C&C 3 Strategy Guide





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